A lil' update

A lil' update
a sweet little mini landscape i found at a popup arcade in toronto

So, I wanted to update y'all on a few things around my life and mental health because it's been a minute.

So, first things first - my mental health is better than it's been in my adult life. I'm over 6 months past my last TMS session and it's safe to say that it's working as well as I could have hoped. I have fully weaned off SSRIs and haven't experienced SI in over 9 months. When it used to be several times a day, sometimes hours at a time, this is nothing short of miraculous for me.
As you may or may not have seen me mention before, therapeutic use of psychedelics has also been instrumental in my recovery and continued strengthening of my mental health.
If you are suffering from depression/SI/anxiety, and your meds haven't given you the relief you need, I would highly encourage you to talk to your doctor/therapist about TMS and about using psychedelics therapeutically. I am happy to discuss with you my personal regimen outside of this thread.

Now, for physical health. I started semaglutide (generic ozempic)a few weeks back and I've already lost >10lbs. My decision to do so was not made lightly, but to put it succinctly, I haven't been able to lose the weight I gained after contracting covid in 2020, even though my activity/exercise levels and diet haven't change from before I got sick. I still train at least once a day, six days a week, and my caloric intake is still ~2700 per day, but cutting my caloric intake up to this point always resulted in difficulty training/recovering. I haven't had similar difficulties on semaglutide. I don't really have an explanation for that, but I'm not going to question what works.

Professionally, I'm starting my job search in earnest. I've had a few months to recover and really figure out what I want, and I think I'm actually started to be excited for the prospect of getting a role I want. Stay tuned for more of that, but in the meantime, I've been speaking at an attending conferences, and I'll post of some of that stuff a lil later.

I'm also working on a couple of passion projects. One thing I've done on my lil' sabbatical was expand on the taste I developed for making documentaries. I've got some equipment and started working on two projects:

  • A documentary on mental health in tech
  • A web show, similar to Drunk History, but with a pretty fun twist to it.

We are shooting a pilot for the web show in a few weeks, and I'll post up more information when I have it.

Anyways, that's my update for now. I'll have more to share later. <3